
class sncosmo.CompositeMagSystem(bands=None, families=None, name=None)[source]

A magnitude system defined in a specific set of bands.

In each band, there is a fundamental standard with a known (generally non-zero) magnitude.

bands: dict, optional

Dictionary where keys are Bandpass instances or names, thereof and values are 2-tuples of magnitude system and offset. The offset gives the magnitude of standard in the given band. A positive offset means that the composite magsystem zeropoint flux is higher (brighter) than that of the standard.

familiesdict, optional

Similar to the bands argument, but keys are strings that apply to any bandpass that has a matching family attribute. This is useful for generated bandpasses where the transmission differs across focal plane (and hence the bandpass at each position is unique), but all photometry has been calibrated to the same offset.


The name attribute of the magnitude system.


Create a magnitude system defined in only two SDSS bands where an object with AB magnitude of 0 would have a magnitude of 0.01 and 0.02 in the two bands respectively:

>>> sncosmo.CompositeMagSystem(bands={'sdssg': ('ab', 0.01),
...                                   'sdssr': ('ab', 0.02)})
__init__(bands=None, families=None, name=None)[source]


__init__([bands, families, name])

band_flux_to_mag(flux, band)

Convert flux (photons / s / cm^2) to magnitude.

band_mag_to_flux(mag, band)

Convert magnitude to flux in photons / s / cm^2


Flux of an object with magnitude zero in the given bandpass.




Name of magnitude system.