
sncosmo.plot_lc(data=None, model=None, bands=None, zp=25.0, zpsys='ab', pulls=True, xfigsize=None, yfigsize=None, figtext=None, model_label=None, errors=None, ncol=2, figtextsize=1.0, show_model_params=True, tighten_ylim=False, color=None, cmap=None, cmap_lims=(3000.0, 10000.0), fill_data_marker=None, fname=None, fill_percentiles=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot light curve data or model light curves.

dataastropy Table or similar, optional

Table of photometric data. Must include certain column names. See the “Photometric Data” section of the documentation for required columns.

modelModel or list thereof, optional

If given, model light curve is plotted. If a string, the corresponding model is fetched from the registry. If a list or tuple of Model, multiple models are plotted.

model_labelstr or list, optional

If given, model(s) will be labeled in a legend in the upper left subplot. Must be same length as model.

errorsdict, optional

Uncertainty on model parameters. If given, along with exactly one model, uncertainty will be displayed with model parameters at the top of the figure.

bandslist, optional

List of Bandpasses, or names thereof, to plot.

zpfloat, optional

Zeropoint to normalize the flux in the plot (for the purpose of plotting all observations on a common flux scale). Default is 25.

zpsysstr, optional

Zeropoint system to normalize the flux in the plot (for the purpose of plotting all observations on a common flux scale). Default is 'ab'.

pullsbool, optional

If True (and if model and data are given), plot pulls. Pulls are the deviation of the data from the model divided by the data uncertainty. Default is True.

figtextstr, optional

Text to add to top of figure. If a list of strings, each item is placed in a separate “column”. Use newline separators for multiple lines.

ncolint, optional

Number of columns of axes. Default is 2.

xfigsize, yfigsizefloat, optional

figure size in inches in x or y. Specify one or the other, not both. Default is to set axes panel size to 3.0 x 2.25 inches.

figtextsizefloat, optional

Space to reserve at top of figure for figtext (if not None). Default is 1 inch.

show_model_paramsbool, optional

If there is exactly one model plotted, the parameters of the model are added to figtext by default (as two additional columns) so that they are printed at the top of the figure. Set this to False to disable this behavior.

tighten_ylimbool, optional

If true, tighten the y limits so that the model is visible (if any models are plotted).

colorstr or mpl_color, optional

Color of data and model lines in each band. Can be any type of color that matplotlib understands. If None (default) a colormap will be used to choose a color for each band according to its central wavelength.

cmapColormap, optional

A matplotlib colormap to use, if color is None. If both color and cmap are None, a default colormap will be used.

cmap_lims(float, float), optional

The wavelength limits for the colormap, in Angstroms. Default is (3000., 10000.), meaning that a bandpass with a central wavelength of 3000 Angstroms will be assigned a color at the low end of the colormap and a bandpass with a central wavelength of 10000 will be assigned a color at the high end of the colormap.

fill_data_markerarray_like, optional

Array of booleans indicating whether to plot a filled or unfilled marker for each data point. Default is all filled markers.

fnamestr, optional

Filename to pass to savefig. If None (default), figure is returned.

fill_percentiles(float, float, float), optional

When multiple models are given, the percentiles for a light curve confidence interval. The upper and lower perceniles define a fill between region, and the middle percentile defines a line that will be plotted over the fill between region.


Any additional keyword args are passed to savefig. Popular options include dpi, format, transparent. See matplotlib docs for full list.

figmatplotlib Figure

Only returned if fname is None. Display to screen with or save with fig.savefig(filename). When creating many figures, be sure to close with plt.close(fig).


>>> import sncosmo
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Load some example data:

>>> data = sncosmo.load_example_data()

Plot the data, displaying to the screen:

>>> fig = plot_lc(data)

Plot a model along with the data:

>>> model = sncosmo.Model('salt2')
>>> model.set(z=0.5, c=0.2, t0=55100., x0=1.547e-5)
>>> sncosmo.plot_lc(data, model=model)

Plot just the model, for selected bands:

>>> sncosmo.plot_lc(model=model,
...                 bands=['sdssg', 'sdssr'])

Plot figures on a multipage pdf:

>>> from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
>>> pp = PdfPages('output.pdf')
>>> # Do the following as many times as you like:
>>> sncosmo.plot_lc(data, fname=pp, format='pdf')
>>> # Don't forget to close at the end:
>>> pp.close()